Errol Milner Clifford 2006-2009

Errol Milner Clifford was born with a significant heart defect and a cognitive disability that prevented him from walking or talking. As we grieved the child we had anticipated, Errol’s full-bodied smile and irrepressible laugh turned our sorrow into joy, and taught us that many of the best things in life are unexpected. Inspired by Errol’s delightful spirit, friends, family, and neighbors rallied to support our family’s significant emotional, physical, and financial needs, through countless acts of selfless generosity. When Errol’s courageous heart finally failed him on December 23, 2009 we were left numb with grief. In these dark hours we listen hopefully for the echoes of Errol’s brilliant laugh. This blog is the story (starting from present and working back to Errol's birth) of the life and times of the amazing Errol Clifford.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Singing with Errol

Like his father, Errol’s older brother Owen is obsessed with the Beatles. In the car, we listen to In My Life over and over (five times in a row is our record). I still love the song.
I was singing a different Beatles song to Errol tonight. “it’s getting better all the time-better, better, better.”
He looked up into my eyes then locked onto my mouth as I sang, “It’s getting better all the time-better, better, better.”
Errol grinned (he didn’t have gas, it was the real thing.)
“Since you’ve been mine. Getting so much better all the time.”
Errol sang back. “Mmmmmmmmmm.”
His was no soaring Beatles harmony, but he had the idea of a call and response, and he replied to the song, “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” with a happy urgency.
We continued singing the chorus for a few minutes. There may be more efficient ways to communicate, but none with more feeling than Errol’s song.

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