Errol Milner Clifford 2006-2009

Errol Milner Clifford was born with a significant heart defect and a cognitive disability that prevented him from walking or talking. As we grieved the child we had anticipated, Errol’s full-bodied smile and irrepressible laugh turned our sorrow into joy, and taught us that many of the best things in life are unexpected. Inspired by Errol’s delightful spirit, friends, family, and neighbors rallied to support our family’s significant emotional, physical, and financial needs, through countless acts of selfless generosity. When Errol’s courageous heart finally failed him on December 23, 2009 we were left numb with grief. In these dark hours we listen hopefully for the echoes of Errol’s brilliant laugh. This blog is the story (starting from present and working back to Errol's birth) of the life and times of the amazing Errol Clifford.

Friday, January 05, 2007


Errol and Owen love each other. At Owen's request, Errol moved in to share his room at about nine months of age. We put them down to bed at the same time in the same room every night. They are so sweet together. Errol would rather look at Owen than at just about anything else in the world.

I try not to compare my boys too much (but it's hard not to). All siblings are different, but Owen and Errol have been dealt really different cards. As Owen passed all of those infant hurdles (crawling, talking, walking, crocheting, potty training), it was always a matter of when, whereas with Errol it’s a matter of if: will he walk, will he talk, will he type 60 wpm? The stakes are higher, and we celebrate the smallest victories (tracking with his eyes, holding his head up, grabbing a toy). Still, in the end, our biggest hope for both our boys is that they possess a long term happiness, and you don’t need to type fast to get that.

Owen doesn't know that every little brother isn't like Errol. One day he will, but I think that by then he'll probably feel lucky to have a brother he loves and who loves him as much as Errol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Owen,

Wow, you are so lucky to have a little brother! And is he ever lucky to have you for his Big Brother!!

Jonathan -

Lennon never once complained at the change in our lives when Natalya was born. From her birth day, nothing was easy. Everything revolved around Natalya. He was the only one we left her with, because he was the only one who was comfortable taking care of her - until we got a nurse, but that was when she was about 3. Mother would, but it was scary. (N had a problem with vomiting, but couldn't do it by mouth and we had to open up her tube - it was scary and messy and unpredictable.) (Not life-threatening of course.)

How incredibly touching that Owen wanted to share his room with Errol. That is something special.

Love, Marigene