Punctuated equilibrium is a theory in evolutionary biology that evolution doesn’t proceed in a straight line, but rather moves in fits and starts. Errol (and most children, I believe) has grown in just this way: a slow burn most of the time, followed by a sudden great leap forward. This isn’t always the easiest thing to watch, because with Errol, I’m always scared that he is going to be stuck right where he is, permanently, unable to walk or talk (we’re not real concerned about his ability to smile or poop). So when it seems like Errol is sitting still, I try not to panic, and think of him, instead, preparing for his big jump. Today was a good day for the Little Man. If we surround him with pillows, and prop him up, Errol can “sit” up on the sofa. He loves the feeling of being up on his own, and smiles the whole time. I always try to be grateful for all I have (my family, my friends, my work, soy milk), but watching Errol so proud on the sofa, and so hard at work, my gratitude enlarges.
This is a picture of Errol and his cousin, Rosabelle, sitting up on the sofa.